Economy: A Missouri that works for all

Governor Parson’s economy has left working families behind. Governor Parson opposed raising the minimum wage and spent millions of dollars to bring companies here whose wages haven’t kept pace and with benefits that are harder to come by. Parson’s economic policy has put a strain on working families and our state budget. Over-reliance on corporate incentives has reduced our investments in our people, including giving $62 million dollars to a firm to move its headquarters down the road. Chronic underfunding of education is leaving students behind before they have a chance to get ahead, in schools that aren't accredited, with skills without jobs attached, and families saddled with debt. Nicole has spent her career fighting for taxpayers, finding corruption and wasted money. As Governor, stopping wasteful spending and corruption will help Missouri’s economy and make it more attractive to businesses. Nicole has a robust economic strategy that uplifts communities and workers, by attracting new business to Missouri, and creating a more transparent development and incentive program.
It’s A New Way:
Create a development and incentive strategy that is transparent, attracts new business to Missouri and uplifts communities and workers.
Create transparent funding for education that prioritizes students, teachers, and outcomes rather than the re-election of career politicians. Missouri’s education system needs to be approached in a holistic manner that looks at outcomes from early childhood all the way through a worker's career.
Give workers a greater voice on the job. The freedom to collective bargain and ensure that public works projects pay the prevailing wage. Create safer working conditions, and protect workers from wage theft.
Pass the Missouri Nondiscrimination Act and tell the rest of the country that we want you here no matter who you love.
Create and expand workforce development opportunities that create pathways out of poverty and teach the skills necessary for family-supporting careers, like the apprenticeship programs in the unionized building and construction sector.
Expand broadband internet throughout rural Missouri to connect even the most remote parts of our state to the world.